Talent from near and far come come to our quarterly open mic night. We love to see new faces so if you’d like to play or sing you’re guaranteed a warm and supportive crowd.
There’s always some something unexpected on the night, often many things, so it’s a great night to book a table, enjoy some delicious Greek food and watch the show.
There’ll be an extended Feature spot from Enfield's premier jug band Hopperstomp, plus a first-half feature spot from Americana trio Somebody Else's Troubles - celebrating the 10th anniversary of their first gig, here at Mum's Bistro.
Christina and Alex are a multi-instrumental duo from Norwich whose music is rich with intertwining harmony, sensitive musicianship and creative songwriting drawing on humans’ relationship with the natural world. No strangers to BPFC, we are thrilled to welcome them back to Shaftesbury Hall for our October Acoustic Sunday concert.
‘A bright, lively collection of songs that plays so sweetly it evokes the sensation of a summer folk festival’ – The Guardian
Just announced! Support will be Fiona Fey and Rey Yusuf from Dream-Folk band Something Sleeps.
Blending their signature vocal harmonies, Fiona and Rey present an enchanting mix of originals and trad folk.
Doors open at 2pm - concerts ends at 5pm.
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